Have you met Angel Chaimae yet?

Chaimae is 20 years old, lives in Amsterdam, and is a student at the university of Utrecht. During the corona pandemic, her study program was given completely online and she really missed the contact with other people. That is why she started looking for babysitting work and how she ended up at Charly Cares. Read on and discover her story.
Our first question for Chaimae is, of course: what do you like most about babysitting?
“The children of course! I don't have any brothers or sisters myself, so for me babysitting still gives me the experience of being a big sister.”
When thinking back to all the times you've been babysitting, what has been your favourite babysitting memory?
“I have a favourite memory with each child, so choosing just one is very hard. Especially since every memory is great for a different reason. A few weeks ago, I was babysitting Kiki. Her mother stopped by shortly during the babysitting service. Kiki kept telling her mother to leave because she was disturbing us. When her mother left, she looked at me and said: ‘Really annoying, right, if someone interrups you. I thought she'd never leave.’ I found that hilarious.”
If you start babysitting for a new family weekly at fixed times for a longer period, it's great to have a connection with the family. For example, how do you get to know a new family? And how do you put the children at ease?
“When I start babysitting for a new family, I usually make sure I am there ahead of time, so that the child can get used to me in a familiar environment. While the parents are still there, I try to make as much contact with the child as possible. I will talk to them and sometimes play with them if they are open to it. As soon as the parents leave, it's a matter of estimating how comfortable the child already is. Not at all yet? Then it's better to give the child some space, I know from experience.”
“Sofia and I have inside jokes and specific activities we like to do together”
“At the moment, I have a family where I babysit every Tuesday and Thursday. Before this, I had a holiday and even then I saw the child I babysit a lot. I really like having a fixed family, because you really get to know the child and they you. For example, Sofia and I have lots of inside jokes and specific activities we like to do together.”

And last but not least; if you could give a parent one tip about a booking request, what would it be?
“I always really like it when parents tell you what they expect from you as a babysitter in the booking request. Every child is different, so a message with the request already gives an impression of what the child needs.”
Want to meet more of our Angels?
Our Angels would love to tell you more about their experience as a babysitter and their favourite babysitting memories. Angel Evie, for example, works for a daycare while also babysitting lots via Charly Cares. And Babysitting Angel Valérie has tried out some summer tips on a hot summer day with the kids she babysits. Read on now...