Meet Babysitting Angel Valérie!

Meet babysitter Valérie (17) from Haarlem. Valérie started working for Charly Cares in November 2019 and has recently received her VWO diploma during these turbulent times! Next year, she's planning to take a gap year, before continuing on with her studies. Want to know why Valérie is so enthusiastic about babysitting? Then read on!

In between her studies, Valérie is always in for playing a game with the kids or reading them a story. That's how she managed to get some great reviews from parents, who write about how she does so much with the children, such as taking them outside, playing hide and seek, or monopoly!

“What I like best about babysitting is how happy you make the children and the parents. All you need to do is be enthusiastic, and you're sure to have a great time with the kids!”

The best babysitter!

“The greatest thing I experienced while babysitting is when the parents came home after I had been babysitting for a full morning, and the children shouted in unison that they thought I was the best babysitter. That was so nice to hear!”

Charly Cares summer tips

“I was going to babysit on a nice, warm day, so the kids had decided that we were going to test some summer tips together. One of the tips we tried was using an umbrella against the sun and, even though people were looking at us kind of kind of strangely, it really did help!”

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