Looking back on a special year

2020 was a special year. High time to look back on the past year by showing you all the developments Charly Cares went through. We have been far from idle and have supported both Angels and parents in new and innovative ways during the corona crisis. We would also like to take the opportunity to look forward with excitement tot 2021. Read along!

January 2020:

New app

It seems like an eternity ago, but we started 2020 with a bang: a brand new app that was more user friendly, more stable, and even faster. The two driving forces behind it, Founder Xander and CTO Diederik, told you all about it in this interview.

March 2020:

Charly Cares conquers Het Gooi

During the opening in Het Gooi we launched in seven (!!) new places simultaneously (Hilversum, Naarden, Bussum, Huizen, Blaricum, Laren & Eemnes). An ambitious plan, which has been quite a succes, in spite of the corona crisis.

March 2020:

Help, corona!

The corona crisis made life seem to stand still for a while. All across the Netherlands, people started working from home en masse. Children were no longer allowed to go to school. Our Angels helped out parents in a crucial profession and even did some homeschooling.

April 2020:

Charly Cares Business

Charly Cares Business was also launched during the corona crisis. Employers can use the new service to support their employees with a business babysitter. The OLVG Hospital in Amsterdam was the first company to arrange a babysitter for its employees. Various organisations with parents who work from home soon followed.

October 2020:

Direct payments & Jobboard

The development of the app did not stand still. In collaboration with ABN AMRO, we launched a unique tool to facilitate direct payments of our Babysitting Angels. Jobboard was also completely renewed; parents can now place a request to all Angels in the area with even more ease.

November 2020:

5 year anniversary! ​​

In November, Charly Cares celebrates its five year anniversary. An absolute highlight. In this candid interview, founders Charly and Xander discuss the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, the hard lessons, and building and expanding a company.

Start of December 2020:

Founder Charly on the cover of Ouders van Nu

A very pregnant Charly got to be on the cover of Ouders van Nu. A great opportunity to develop a special newsletter for parents-to-be. In this new newsletter, we provide more information regarding the different types of childcare, we give some tips on behalf of Charly and other parents, and parents who subscribe will also receive exclusive gifts from our partners.

End of December 2020:

Oh no, second lockdown..

Right before the holiday, schools and daycares were forced to close again. Topics such as working from home with children, homeschooling, and Charly Cares Business are again central. Once again we are here to help both parents and Angels. Employers too can start making full use of Charly Cares Business again.


We want to unburden parents even more in 2021 with extra service and new features in the app. We are also continuously adding new Angels to our platform. We cannot wait to make all our plans a reality and to unburden even more Angels and parents.

Thank you for everything, enjoy the holidays, and hopefully see you soon in the new year!