The Angel Story of… Duygu

Read Angel Duygu's story. Duygu is 31 years old and lives in The Hague. She has been babysitting since she was 16 and has been an Angel for Charly Cares since 2018. This babysitting expert works full-time and regularly babysits for her fixed family. Curious about Duygu's babysitting experiences? Then read on!
“The difference between my serious office job and the freedom of babysitting is also great”
“I haven't always been a babysitter for just one family, but I can now really see the benefits. You really bond with the child. The little girl I currently babysit can be quite shy. Even now, she still gets a bit nervous sometimes when I get there. I get to know her better and she really starts trusting me a little more every time. That really makes me feel happy.
The difference between my serious office job and the freedom of babysitting is also great. Don't get me wrong: I have a great job and I really feel at home there. Still, I notice that sitting behind a screen full-time is not quite my cup of tea. I have a fairly serious job, which means it's nice to be able to let go of that every now and then while babysitting. That combination works perfectly for me.”
Did anything change about babysitting during corona?

“I discussed with the parents what they prefer and whether they still want me to babysit at all. We have made some clear agreements. For example, we keep each other well informed when one of us feels a cold coming on.
The parents are currently also working from home, but other than that not much has changed. They are often on the top floor and really want a moment for themselves. At my previous babysitting addresses, the parents also sometimes were home while I was babysitting. I then often found it difficult to understand who was looking after the child at which moment. I understand that many other Angels, especially now, are also having a hard time with that. I am currently really lucky that this family lives in a big house and that you don't always have to be in the same room as the others. I also try to go outside a lot, a little fresh air never hurts.”
“With fixed babysitting, you not only get to know the child better, but also the parents”
“When her parents go upstairs to start working, she often gets a little sad. It's only logical, lots of kids go through the same. But when the parents come back down in between work and then leave again to continue working, that's when the real drama starts. That is why her parents and I have agreed to prevent her from seeing them as much as possible while I am there. That is a lot easier for her, but also for me as a babysitter.
With fixed babysitting, you not only get to know the child better, but also the parents. In the end, I am quick to sense what works for them, and vice versa. We really are a team!”
You have been babysitting for many years, do you have any tips for new babysitters?
"When I was younger, I was always a bit tense and afraid that I was not doing well. Nowadays, I don't panic so quickly anymore and I have gained more confidence in myself. I think that is also due to the experience I have now. After all, someone's child is suddenly your responsibility. Gradually, by having confidence in myself, I learned to let go of that tenseness, which will help you be more relaxed when babysitting. So breathe in and breathe out, you can do it! 😉”
“I've had a less pleasant experience while babysitting in the past, Charly Cares really stood up for me. Before, I would have really been on my own”
“Before I started babysitting via Charly Cares, I found it difficult to find new babysitting addresses. The threshold for getting to know a new family is much lower at Charly Cares. There also is an intermediary party for both the parent as well as the babysitter, which we can both always fall back on. For example, I once had a less pleasant experience with a family. I didn't really know how to deal with the problem or what to do. Charly Cares really stood up for me and helped me a lot. Before, I would have been on my own, whereas now I can turn to someone, who also really helped and supported me.”