Jobboard update!

Good news for our Babysitting Angels: Jobboard is renewed! You can now search for babysitting jobs more easily. You're able to filter on day, time, distance and postal code. Ready to give it a try?

Founder Charly & Angel Elvi on the update

  • The amount of bookings

    Looking for fixed bookings? You can select the amount of days you want to babysit.

  • Days & times

    Are you available on certain days or preferably mornings, afternoons or evenings? You can easily filter on your preference and start looking for (for example) jobs on Thursday evenings!

  • Postal code & distance

    Do you prefer to babysit for families within 5 kms? Add this to your filter! Or, maybe you're in a different city where Charly Cares is active. Fill in the postal code & find new families here!

  • Minimum hourly rate

    Did you set your hourly rate to a certain height, but are you open to other rates as well? You can fill in your minimum rate and you'll see babysitting jobs starting at this rate.

  • Which language do you want to speak?

    Want to work on your Dutch, French or English? Look for families who speak a certain language now!

  • Age of the kids

    Heb je een voorkeur om op te passen op baby’s, of juist wat oudere kinderen? No problem: vul hier de leeftijd in en de juiste aanvragen komen tevoorschijn.

    Do you prefer babysitting babies, or do you like to babysit kids that are 4+? No problem: fill in the age of your preference - the best jobs will appear!

Enough ways to find a babysitting job!

Jouw ideale oppasdienst vinden was nog nooit zó makkelijk!

Finding your ideal babysitting job has never been this easy!

Please note: once you've set up your filters, these will remain in Jobboard. So if you're looking for something else, just adjust or reset the filters you selected. Happy babysitting!