Our crowdfunders talk about why they believe in Charly CaresFrom parents, to platform experts and employees

Our dreams are getting closer... The Charly Cares' crowdfunding is still in full swing, but we have already reached a great milestone in a very short amount of time: the target amount of half a million euros has been reached. YES!

That means that, in 2022, we can make our dreams come true, for which we are extremely grateful to our crowd. Curious about our crowdfunders? We are proud to introduce a several of them to you: Partick Stal, one of our parents, and Bert van Hoekelen; they are part of our dream...

Patrick Stal: “Promising road to profitability”

Patrick is father, global CMO & Investor, platform marketeer, and previously worked at Uber. What is, to him, the added value of Charly Cares and therefore makes it worth investing in?

“Charly Cares contains the unique blend of ingredients necessary for growing a platform. The perfect solution to one of the greatest challenges of our time: finding the right balance between parenthood and career. The reliable, user-friendly app, a well-balanced platform for the European market, and an entrepreneurial team all pave the promising road to profitability.”

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One of our parents: “The personal involvement is not lost”

Charly Cares aims to unburden parents. One of our parents talks about her experience with our platform. Charly Cares has been a lifesaver for her in taking care of the children. What are her reasons for investing in Charly Cares as a user of the app?

“I've known Charly Cares since the start-up phase. The company has steadily grown, but the personal involvement has not been lost. A babysitter is always available. There is a good match for every parent. With the changes in the market, including COVID-19, Charly Cares is now responding to the needs of an increasing number of parents. A flexible, after-school, and/or fixed babysitter is more than necessary with the current shortages in the childcare sector. Charly Cares has shown that it can continuously guarantee quality, apply a forward looking strategy, and stay on top of the game.”

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Bert van Hoekelen: “I believe in our future”

Within the team, investments into the future are also made. Bert is Head of Tech at Charly Cares and, together with the product team, forms the heart of the organisation. Does that make him believe in Charly Cares' dreams like no other?

“In my role as Head of Tech, I contribute daily to the ambitious goals of Charly Cares. And because I am part of the company, I am convinced we will achieve our goals. For one, I am certain that, using our technical knowledge, innovation, and motivation, we will make our product, the app, a success. That is why I have also invested during the crowdfunding; I see many great opportunities and this is how I want to become a part of them. I'm extremely excited and believe in our future - the future of Charly Cares!”

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Charly Cares' ambition

Our dreams are becoming a reality thanks to these - and many other - investors. We are extremely grateful! The Charly Cares team is ready to build the future, with the aim to expand within the Netherlands, launch new services, connect 75 companies to Charly Cares Business, and, last but not least... to take the first steps towards launching in Europe. We believe that now is the time to embark on this adventure together.

Will you also become a part of our dream?

I'm in!