Celebrate Sinterklaas coronaproof?

Sint is back in the country, which means candy, songs, and gifts. Pakjesavond is normally the night when family comes together, but how are you going to handle it this year? Unfortunately, getting the whole family together may not be possible. That is why we have listed 3 tips for celebrating Sinterklaas coronaproof. Read along!

Videocall with Sinterklaas

Although Sint is quite a bit older, he too keeps up with the times. For example, there are several websites you can use to Skype, Zoom, or FaceTime Sinterklaas. Calling Sint may seem a bit impersonal, but how great is it to take a look into his private life? That way, he can still be involved in some way. Talk about being coronaproof!

Surprise & gifts by mail

Of course, it is great to send gifts by post, but what could be more fun than sending a gift and a fun surprise along with it? Draw lots online and let your creativity run wild. Get started and surprise your grandfather, mother, or girlfriend with your creation via post. Arrange a Zoom, Slack, or Teams meeting and celebrate with the whole family online. Sit down at a computer with your family and let the fun begin.
PS. Make sure to mail the surprise in time, as the the PostNL post-pieten are usually very busy around this time of the year.

Go big

Pakjesavond can, of course, still happen the old-fashioned way with the family. Draw lots or buy presents for the younger children. Are you afraid it will be a very short pakjesavond without any visitors? Think of a full evening program, a little more extensive than in previous years. Decorate the living room with candy and garlands. And think, for example, of riddles and quests with gifts. Play games such as chocolate letter bobbing, and who can sing the best for Sint and Piet? Time will simply fly and it will be a pakjesavond you will not forget, promise!

Have you entered the Sint colouring contest yet?

Who can make the most beautiful colouring page for Sinterklaas? We have arranged something special for all the kids: a Sinterklaas colouring contest! Participate and win a scooter from vierseizoenen.nl, a wooden cash register and scale from Lief en Klein Shop, or a cool animal 3D puzzle from Super Blocco. Ready? Set - GO, get colouring!

Download your colouring page here