A business babysitter through Charly Cares

For companies, it is also possible to offer Charly Cares as a secondary employment benefit. Think of it like a gym subscription or company car, but for a babysitter. Do you find this appealing? On this page, you will find everything you need to know; send it to your employer!

Are you a freelancer and interested in a workplace babysitter? Click here.

These companies offer a business babysitter:

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Example case: Deloitte

Deloitte supports its employees with flexible childcare, because it sees the importance and necessity of a good work-life balance for its employees. Through Charly Cares Business, Deloitte structurally offers babysitting hours to its employees.

Marjolein Heijstraten, Director Performance & Rewards Deloitte:

“Employees of Deloitte can make use of Charly Cares, either with their own babysitter or with a Charly Cares babysitter. During the lockdown, we initially started with this solution and now we offer it structurally as an extra fringe benefit. This solution offers our employees and Deloitte as an organisation the flexibility that fits the current way of working.”

Father Robert Jan ter Kuile on a business babysitter:

"The babysitting hours recently came in very handy. I had an important deadline while my wife was on vacation. Originally, I planned to spend time with the kids, but I opted for external help. Help in the form of my parents and a babysitter for Wednesday. I've never experienced the house so quiet; I wasn't bothered once, and the best part: they had a fantastic day. The babysitter took excellent care of the children, even putting them to bed, receiving big hugs and kisses as a farewell. That says enough about our experience with Charly Cares."

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