Great news! Charly Cares is live in Breda, Tilburg, Den Bosch and surroundings The best babysitting job!

Are you crazy about kids and do you live in Breda, Tilburg, Den Bosch or surroundings? This is your time: because you can now babysit via Charly Cares in these cities in Brabant. It's a super flexible job: you work when and where you want to, you set your own hourly rates and you work for the best families in your area. Sounds good, right?

  • More than just a side job

  • Set your own hourly rate

  • Work when you want to

You decide how much you earn

Yes, at Charly Cares you can set your own hourly rates. In the app you enter a day and night rate that suits you. You can also see the average rates of Angels of the same age in your area. Your day rate can be a bit higher than your night rate, because during the day you have to care for the kids a lot more. And most of the time in the evening, the kids are already sleeping

I'm going to babysit!

Angel Mirte about her babysitting job

"Because of my job, I see kids develop, especially because I prefer to be with a family for at least half a year. And that's so special. I get the feeling I can discover the world with the kids and I enjoy them having so much fun by playing outside, or being creative at home. I really see them grow up!"

I'm going to babysit!

Ready to be an Angel?

Before you get access to our community, we'd love to meet you. We invite you for an online call where we can get to know each other a bit better. Afterwards you can start as a Babysitting Angel for Charly Cares. You get access to our Babysitting App, where you easily can state your preferences. And based on those, you receive requests from families in your area. Furthermore, as a Babysitting Angel you enjoy many more benefits: 24/7 Customer Care, the Angel insurance, full flexibility and you can set your own hourly rates. What are you waiting for?

I'm going to babysit!

Do you want to babysit for these families?

Family van Vliet

Child(ren): Mees (2)

When: Saturday 18:00-23:00

Distance: 1,6 km

Expected income: €55

"We like to go our for dinner because of our anniversary. Do you want to come babysit Mees? You can eat together, afterwards he can go to bed. He is a great sleeper, so you have a night for yourself!"

Family Gomez

Child(ren): Alana (6 maanden)

When: Monday 9:00-17:30

Distance: 2,2 km

Expected income: €93,50

"Can you babysit our little baby next Monday? We're both working, but our phone is always with us, so you can contact us the whole day. Alana sleeps a lot during the day, so it is super easy. Hope to see you soon :)"

It's up to you!

Whether you want to babysit for fixed days in the week or rather work flexible. Whether you prefer to babysit for a whole day where you also pick up the kids from school and cook for the entire family or rather babysit occasionally in the evening; your work, your terms! Sign up today and babysit for the nicest families in Breda, Tilburg, Den Bosch or surroundings: happy babysitting!

I'm going to babysit!

Frequently asked questions about Charly Cares

In which places in Brabant does Charly Cares offer an active babysitting network?

You can apply in all places in Brabant, but we offer an active babysitting network in:

  • Den Bosch; Rosmalen, Vught
  • Breda; Ulvenhout,Pennendijk, Kerkeind,Roosberg, Teteringen, Prinsenbeek
  • Tilburg; Goirle, Berkel-Enschot, Oisterwijk, Udenhout
  • Eindhoven; Veldhoven, Best, Son, Nuenen, Geldrop, Aalst, Waalre

How much will I earn as a Babysitting Angel?

As a Babysitting Angel, you can choose your own hourly rate. The app shows what other people of your age in your area have chosen. You can set two hourly rates: for day and evening services. You can always have a look at your hourly rate in the app under ‘Profile’ and change it whenever you want to.

Can I find booking requests myself?

Yes! Find the 'Jobboard' feature in the app. This feature shows all pending babysitting services near you. Please not that this feature only considers hourly rate and distance; your availability as marked in your calendar is not taken into consideration. Tip: always have a look at your calendar and the family's profile before making an offer for a booking.