Charly Cares offers Babysitting jobs in Breda

Do you get genuinely excited about children and do you want to be a part of their development? Then you will find the best (student) job in Breda through Charly Cares. You will be matched with the best families in your area. Experience the convenience and benefits of babysitting through Charly Cares: babysit on your terms!

I want to babysit!

The benefits of babysitting in Breda

  • More than just a side job

  • You are insured in the event of damage or accidents

  • You decide where, when and how you want to work

  • Our Customer Care Team helps you out, 24/7

  • Easily arrange everything in the free app

  • Payout after one working day (with iDeal)

Babysit flexible or fixed: it’s up to you!

Looking for a babysitting job in Breda? Whether you are looking for a fixed income or want to work flexible, at Charly Cares you decide when and how often you work. You enter your preferences and availability in the app and you decide where you want to babysit. What the onboarding process entails? We are happy to explain it to you here.

I want to babysit!

Meet Babysitting Angel Romee

“The app is really easy and I love all the families. I think it's great I can set my own hourly rates, which I base on my age and experience. I decide how much I earn: amazing!"


Reviews about babysitting families at Charly Cares

Djenna from 's-Gravenhage


Bente from Nieuwegein


Laura from 's-Gravenhage

“All good”

Andrea from Amsterdam

“Sweet family, everything perfect, the kids are so lovelys”

Sara from Amsterdam

“Great family and loved playing with Ada!”

Nina from Diemen

“Hele lieve jongens!”

Jayna from Oostzaan

“Paar uurtjes geweest maar was een succes Lieve en gezellige ouders”

Bonnie from 's-Gravenhage

“Lovely family ❤️”

Najlae from Amsterdam

“Luca is the sweetest.”

Queen from 's-Gravenhage


Nienke from Amsterdam

“Hele leuke kids!”

Katrien from 's-Gravenhage

“had such a great time with the kids!”

Rachel from 's-Gravenhage

“Leuk gezin, heel lief zoontje voelde mij heel erg op mijn gemak, de ouders zijn heel aardig en gastvrij”

Jasmin from Haarlem

“Very sweet mother and son!”

Wieske from Amsterdam

“Niks op aan te merken! Zowel lieve ouders als kinderen”

Aashna from Haarlem

“very kind family! loved babysitting their children.”

Pluim from Amsterdam

“Sweet family!”

Chayenne from Utrecht

“Very nice family I enjoyed babysitting at their house!”

Madelein from Amsterdam

“Good communication, very nice parents and children!!”

Aashna from Haarlem

“very kind family!”

Husnul from Bussum

“Very kind family?”

Shohra from Almere


Manuela from Amsterdam

“Amazing kids! Really fun and easygoing ! I enjoyed my evening wit them :)”

Juul from Rotterdam


Andohra from Amsterdam

“Really sweet family :)”

Sofia from Haarlem

“I had a great time with your lovely daughter and cute dog.? You made it very easy with the instructions and the written routine. See you next time.”

Lara from Amsterdam

“The family was so sweet and welcoming! Loved helping them with their children and i will definitely come again if they need me!”

Imara from Amsterdam

“Lovely family!”

Jolie from Capelle aan den IJssel

“Very sweet kids and a lovely family”

Annabel from 's-Gravenhage


Imane from Amsterdam

“Such a nice family. They welcomed me with a smile and the children are so sweet!”

Leda from Amsterdam

“Always great working w you Gema!”

Jobke from Amsterdam

“Luca is a really sweet boy!”

Isabel from 's-Gravenhage


Manuela from Amsterdam

“Samuel is a very sweet little boy! Lovely family!”

Imane from Amsterdam

“Really nice and lovely people”

Yi-Yueh from 's-Gravenhage

“Livia loves to eat sushi rice. She also learned to use a rice cooker. Happy summer vacation.”

Luna from 's-Gravenhage

“Nice family with 2 sweet and playful kids.”

Juul from Rotterdam

“Perfect! Really cute girl”

Husnul from Bussum

“Very nice family?”

Yi-Yueh from 's-Gravenhage

“Delicious sushi party. Livia loves eating and making sushi rolls.”

Anne from Amsterdam

“It was nice babysitting here!”

Mariam from Amsterdam

“sweet family”

Puck from Amsterdam

“Lovely family!”

Isra from Rotterdam

“Such a lovely family!!”

Mercedes from Amsterdam

“Lovely family!”

Leda from Amsterdam

“Such a sweet lovely family! ?”

Mila from 's-Gravenhage

“Neil is a really sweet, active and polite boy. Had fun with him this week”

Matt from Amsterdam

“Good communication and clear instructions from Jenny. The kids were lots of fun and well behaved”

Frequently asked questions about babysitting in Breda

In which places in Brabant does Charly Cares offer an active babysitting network?

You can apply in all places in Brabant, but we offer an active babysitting network in:

  • Den Bosch; Rosmalen, Vught
  • Breda; Ulvenhout,Pennendijk, Kerkeind,Roosberg, Teteringen, Prinsenbeek
  • Tilburg; Goirle, Berkel-Enschot, Oisterwijk, Udenhout
  • Eindhoven; Veldhoven, Best, Son, Nuenen, Geldrop, Aalst, Waalre

How much will I earn as a Babysitting Angel?

As a Babysitting Angel, you can choose your own hourly rate. The app shows what other people of your age in your area have chosen. You can set two hourly rates: for day and evening services. You can always have a look at your hourly rate in the app under ‘Profile’ and change it whenever you want to.