Squla, Studira & WRTS

Charly Cares' biggest goals is to add real value for their families and Babysitting Angels. That's why we joined forces with Squla, Studira and WRTS: three birds with one stone! Squla allows your children who are in elementary school to have while learning outside of school hours. Studira (from the makers of Squla) focuses on children in group 6, 7 and 8, who can practice certain subjects in a more targeted way. And this is also ideal for when your Angel comes to babysit: together, the babysitter and your child(ren) can easily practice anything they want.
For our parents usually a little less relevant, but for our younger Babysitting Angels it is: WRTS! This online platform allows high school students to practice the subjects they find more difficult, for example.
Proud of this collaboration!